The protesters, an imminent threat to the fourth (?) strongest army in the world.
Anti-demonstrators' ("alpha") weapon systems
"The shout": an ultrasound generator. An artistic response.
The 40 mm foam coated bullet. A soldier shooting it. A human being receiving it:
Maariv, 1 July 2005 (double click on the pictures)
Important information for the designers: The foam-coated projectile is unstable in the air. It sometimes
hits with its hard bottom, causing severe injury. The same tends to happen when it hits after being reflected from the ground.
Please improve the design before using it in the Gush Katif war.
"The trio": 7.62mm cartridge, 40mm foam coated bullet, 40mm tear-gas cartridge.
One of many stun granades used against us. It stuns the soldiers.
Next year: Silence breakers? Drugged in Goah? Permanent residents of Hague?
Haaretz: "A policeman lied in his testimony against a Palestinian demonstrator in Bil'in"
"This can only happen in a totalitarian state".