Far'ata, a tiny village some 8 km south-west of nablus, surrounded
by olive groves.
Once the neighbouring ILLEGAL settlement of Khavat-Gilad is removed, the people of Far'ata will not need Israelis
and "Internationals" to accompany them to pick their olives.
[All the Israeli settlements on occupied territories are illegal according to the Fourth Geneva
Convention and the Rome Stature. Some are ILLEGAL even according to the Government of Israel (that
does nothing to remove them, in spite of repeated promisses to the US president and rulings of the supreme court)].
Area map. Havat Gilad is near the site marked as "Moshe Zar's Mansion".
Was (now prime minister) Sharon involved in establishing this ILLEGAL settlement?
זר היה פעם ידיד גדול
של שרון. עד היום קשה לו
לדבר נגדו. ביום שני ניאות
לספר את הסיפור הבא: "כשהחלטתי
לבנות כאן בית שאף מנוף
לא יצליח להזיז, קניתי
את שתי הגבעות. הסתובבו
אתי פה שני אנשים - אורי
בר-און ואריק שרון, מפקדי
ואהוב נפשי. כשאמרתי שכוונתי
לבנות את ביתי על הגבעה
הזאת, אריק אמר לי: 'אתה תבנה
את הבית שם' (זר מצביע על
הגבעה שעליה ניצב ביתו
היום); על הגבעה הזאת (היום
רמת גלעד) תהיה שכונה של
קרני שומרון".
April 15, 2005
"The Israeli government (aided by the current U.S. administration, which has changed decades of U.S. foreign policy stands
vis-`-vis the settlement issue by promising Ariel Sharon that Israel can hold on to major population centers in the West Bank)
has pursued a policy of clouding the issue of the settlements in several major ways. One, it uses the term illegal outpost
to differentiate between government-sanctioned settlements and those which have sprouted up more independently. Such nomenclature
implies that a) some settlements are legal (as already noted, they are all illegal according to international law) and b)
the Israeli government is doing something to rein in these outposts. However, such outposts, some including only four people,
automatically receive electricity, water, and Israeli army protection. The Sasson report, commissioned by the Israeli government,
recently revealed the extent to which the government has supported and sanctioned settlement activity, even in the case of
the outposts. Some of these outposts have committed egregious crimes, such as the Havat Ma on outpost near the Palestinian
village of Tuwani, from where masked attackers brutally assaulted Christian Peacemaker Teams volunteers Chris Brown and Kim
Lamberty, both of whom are U.S. citizens, in September 2004 while they were accompanying Palestinian children on their way
to school. The outpost of Havat Gilad, in the Nablus district near the settlements of Yitzhar and Qadumim and the Palestinian
villages of Jit and Farata, is one caravan, 4 people, and has been removed by the Israeli army twice, with no success. It
is still there. Nothing but this one caravan and an old school bus, and yet extensive army coordination is required for Palestinian
farmers to tend to their fields, as they are often attacked by the settlers. I went to Farata with a small group organized
by Rabbis for Human Rights in order to provide some degree of protection to the farmers while they plowed their land. We were
also supposed to be with the farmers in Jit, but the army said that they could only provide protection (from the four settlers
in one caravan) in once place, and so the farmers from Jit were told to go back home, they were not allowed on their fields
that day."
Some of last year's reports:
8 Nov 2004
"Today was a difficult day. Our delegation and the people of Faraata barely managed to pick olives from 3 trees. We have
also received information about olive trees cut down in the places we are planned to harvest tomorrow (and near As-Sawia only
Israelis are allowed to harvest). We are celebrating victory near Havat Gilad today, yet I can't forget that if the Palestinians'
claims and measurments would have been accepted two years ago, last year's crop wouldn't have been lost and this year's results
could have been 3 tons of olive-oil, not only one. However, seeing the smiles on the faces of farmers who have thought their
lands are lost for the last 3 years, and hearing the shout "To Work!" coming out from the chests of Palestinians and Israelis
together, make it worth it."
9 Nov 2004
"After yesterday's events, olives in Faraata were stolen during the night. At the end of the day a settler from Havat
Gilad approached the group of harvesters with an iron pole, after threatening, together with his wife, the harvesters during
the day. The police intervened in the first case, but in the evening only a military vehicle which arrived by chance prevented
the escalation of the situation. Tomorrow we're returning to Faraata and As-Sawie near Havat Gilad..."
November 10, 2004 "... today the RHR delegation harvesting in Faraata was attacked by settlers from Havat Gilad. Mohie
Hasson, field coordinator, was attacked physically..."
23 November 2004 "... Soldiers from the Israeli army together
with an armed man from the nearby settlement were waiting for us towards the top of the hill and we were informed that we
could go no further. They pointed to the mud track where they had parked their army jeeps and said that this was the boundary
line beyond which the Palestinians could not cross. The soldiers pointed to the trees that we had passed on our way up and
said that we could pick the olives from the trees there. Well, that would be fine, but those olives had already been picked
and the reason that we were there was to help with the olive trees closer to the settlement. I’m sure that I don’t
need to spell it out, but we are talking about access to olive trees on land that belongs to the Palestinian
farmers. Land that they are being told they cannot go to because it is too close to an illegal Israeli settlement..."

The Olive harvest this year is poor. The bad news is that there will be scarcity of olive oil. The good news (for the
producers) is that the prices will be high. They already are.
?פעמי משיח

It appears that the statement made by the army to the supreme court, promising that it will cease cooperating with the
illegal settlers in harassing the olive-picking Palestinians, is (for the time being?) implemented.
We had a lengthy discussion with two of the soldiers, who had a very distorted perception of the history of the Israeli
occupation of the west-bank and who kept referring to the Bible as the document that justifies each and every attrocity towards
the Palestinians. The ideas of peaceful coexistance (whether within the framework of the TSS or that of the OSS) and of international
legitimacy, were entirely foreign to them.
[TSS = Two-state solution;
OSS = One-state solution].
On the other hand, we were successful in persuading their officer that we would be happier returning to the village (to
meet our transportation) without him "escorting" us. We were visiting friends and didn't need his "protection".