To the Committee
of the Alternative Nobel Price
We, a group
of peace activists, struggling against the occupation of Palestinian lands, would like to submit the name of Tali Fahima as
a candidate for the Alternative Nobel Price for Peace.
Tali Fahima,
born 1976, an Israeli peace activist, did a great work for peace and better understanding between Palestinians and Israelis.
About a year
and a half ago Tali, then a right wing sympathizer, working as a clerk in a law office,
decided to see for herself the
situation in the Palestinian territories. She went alone to Jenin, a Palestinian town having a frightening name in Israel,
in order to meet
the head of the local notorious so-called terrorist group. To her astonishment she found friendly people who explained to her their point of view. Profoundly impressed,
Tali spoke on television trying to explain to the Israelis the real meaning of the occupation. She went again to Jenin trying to help: she volunteered to be
a "living shield"
for one of the local leaders targeted by the Israeli army; she tried to renew the acting school for children once established by the late Arna Mer, a peace activist
who received about ten years ago the Alternative Nobel Price and used the money to found a theater in Jenin.
All this was
too much for the Israeli authorities. Tali was arrested, first as "administrative detainee" (a procedure allowing the Security Service
to detain anybody, practically indefinitely, without pressing charges), and then accused of some fabricated misdeeds against
the "security of the state". Tali's persecution and trial is still going on and she is kept in prison. Her family suffers too as a result of an orchestrated witch-hunt: her mother and sister had to change
their dwelling place, and her mother was dismissed from her job. The Israeli mass-media (with noteable exceptions, though) treats Tali as a traitor.
Tali did her
best and paid a heavy price for trying to encourage the understanding and solidarity between Israelis and Palestinians. We believe that Tali truly deserves the
Alternative Nobel Price.
Miriam Adams, Albuquerque NM, USA.
Professor Ammiel Alcalay, Queens College
/ Graduate Center,
City University
of New York.
Hassan M. Al-Haifi, Senior Columnist and Editor, Yemen Times.
Dr. Janina Altman, Chemist.
Prof. Colman Altman, Physicist.
Gil Alvarez, California,
Nitza Aminov
Professor Daniel Amit, Istituto di Fisica, La Sapienza, Roma.
Hanna Aviram
Nachoua el-Azhari,
Cairo, Egypt.
Mona Baker, UK.
Yossi Bartal,
Eldad Benary,
Saugerties, NY.
Ben-Ari, Tel Aviv.
Matania Ben-Artzi, Hebrew University.
Ben-Artzi, Jerusalem.
Elat Benda
Bernstein, Brooklyn, New York.
Jo Bird,
Jeffrey Boss,
Senior Lecturer (retired), Bristol University.
Ido Bruno, Jerusalem, Israel.
Dena Bugel-Shunra,
Port Townsend, WA, USA.
Prof. Dr. John BUNZL, Political Science, Austrian Institute for
International Affairs (0IIP) and
University of Vienna.
Dan Burnstein,
Paula Cardoso,
South Africa.
Smadar Carmon,
The Coalition for Just Peace in Palestine and Israel,
Choukroun, Marseille,France.
Adi Dagan, Coalition
of Women for Peace, Israel.
Sarah Danaher, Cork,
Dr A E Dangor, Imperial
College London, UK.
Dr. David Degani,
Dr. Diana
Dan van-Egmond,
Marseille, France.
Esther Eillam.
Etminani, Teacher, France.
Pnina Firestone, Forum
for the struggle against unemployment;
Women's coalition for peace, Israel.
Ruth Fruchtman,
Writer, Berlin.
Mark Galmud
Ron Ganzfried, Association Swiss-Palestine, Bern, Switzerland.
Gilboa Ph.D., Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Professor Rachel Giora, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Professor Eli Glasner, Department of mathematics,
Tel Aviv university.
Professor Oded Goldreich, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel.
Joanna Graham, USA.
John and
Jennifer Grosvenor, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Professor Yossi
Guttmann, University of Haifa.
Mirjim Hadar,
Tel-Aviv University.
Professor Uri
Hadar, Tel Aviv University.
Hava Halevi,
Idan Halili
Dr. Roni Hammermann,
Gillian Handyside,
Tal Haran
Eric Hazan,
publisher, La Fabrique, Paris.
Drago Heler,
Philosopher, Australia.
Annemarie Hendrikz,
HIV and AIDS worker, South Africa.
Yoav Hess, Activist
for "Yesh Gvul".
Sarah Irving,
Britain Olive Co-operative Ltd, Responsible tourism, trade
and education in the Middle East.
Dr Ronit Lentin,
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Liliane Cordova Kaczerginski, France,
[daughter of Schmerke, Vilnius ghetto guerilla fighter].
Jacob Katriel,
Adam Keller, Editor of Other Israel
Hava Keller,
WOFPP (Woman Organization For Political Prisoners).
Professor Baruch
Kimmerling, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Laurence Kirby,
Woodstock, NY, USA.
Beate Klarsfeld.
Sharon Komash
Joel Kovel,
Willow, NY, USA.
Blair Kuntz,
Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries, Toronto, Canada.
Dr Fintan Lane,
Dublin, Ireland.
Uri Laor
Vivien Lichtenstein, London, UK.
Joint Action for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Jews for Justice for Palestinians European
Jews for a Just Peace British Shalom-Salaam Trust
Dr. R. Ruth Linden, San Francisco, California, USA.
Joelle Marelli, Translator, Paris, France.
Rela Mazali
Joe Moore.
Professor Moshe'
Machover, London, England.
Ronit Marian-Kadishay
Dr. Ruchama Marton, President, Physicians for Human Rights,
Irene McPhail,
Berkely Ca.
Benjamin Merhav,
Melbourne , Australia.
Doris Mossinson
Faran Nader,
MIS Director Oregon Human Development Corp.
Ofer Neiman,
Jerusalem, Israel.
Orna Neumann, UK.
Newesri, New York City.
Claire Oren,
Machsom Watch.
Nora Orlov,
Dr. Ilan Pappe,
University of Haifa.
Gerhard Pulfer, Austria.
Michal Pundak
Sagie, Hertzlyia, Israel.
Michal Raz
Eitan Reich,
No'omi and
Avraham Rinat, Rehovot, Israel.
Robinson, Human Rights Activist, aka 2nd mamma, Denver,CO.
Ellen Rohlfs, Germany.
Dana Ron, Tel Aviv.
Said, Chairman, Arab Labour Group, London, UK.
Schauer, Vienna, Austria, member of "women in black".
Evalyn F. Segal
Prof. Nomi Shir, Beer Sheva.
Dr. Rann Smorodinsky
Doris A. Soroko,
Barrytown, NY, USA.
Gideon Spiro,
Council for Vanunu
John Spritzler,
Boston, MA, USA.
Talila Stan,
Fighting Court-ruption.
Immanuel Steinberg, Hamburg, Germany.
Ingrid Steinitz,
Rivka Sum
Tirtza Tauber, Tel Aviv.
Michael Varshawski,
Journalist, Jerusalem.
Dan Vered, Tel Aviv.
Eric Walberg, Uzbekistan.
Eric Weissberg, Woodstock NY
Shani Werner
Shmuel Yerushalmi,
Ofra Yeshua-Lyth,
Author, Ramat Gan, Israel,
Daniela Yoel
Stimme fuer gerechten Frieden in Nahost, EJJP Deutschland" (Jewish Voice for a Just Peace, EJJP Germany).
Tali Fahima hat sich um den alternativen Nobelpreis verdient gemacht, da sie
צchst couragiert, trotz des hohen Preises des Freiheitsentzugs,
allein ihrem eigenen kritischen Urteil folgt und von ihrer - einstmals im Fluechtlingslager
von Jenin praktizierten - Solidaritaet mit den von der israelischen
Besetzung Betroffenen nicht abrckt und sie im Gegenteil
selbst im Gefengnis lautstark verteidigt. Tali Fahima symbolisiert jene Weltbuergerin
und jenen Weltbuerger, die fuer die Universalitaet der Menschenrechte
kaempfen und dafuer dass sie jedem Menschen zuteil werden; ungeachtet der nationalen,
ethnischen und religiaesen Zugehaerigkeit sowie unabhengig von der aekonomischen,
sozialen und politischen Stellung. Solche Buergerinnen und Buerger braucht die Welt!
Sie sind die Avantgarde einer wohlverstandenen Globalisierung im Interesse einer lebenswerten
Union juive
francaise pour la paix (UJFP) PARIS, FRANCE, Richard WAGMAN, President.
Women in
Black, Marseille,France.
Please contact
the initiators of the recommendation:
Hava Keller
Shmuel Yerushalmi
Talila Stan