Demonstrating with Peace Now, October 26, 2005.
Ynet (English)
NRG (Maariv)
Haaretz (English)
Haaretz literary supplement, October 28, 2005
Haaretz, October 28, 2005: "... Hebron youths ... attacked Palestinians living in the area. One of the Palestinians, Mubar
Jabber, said his family was forced to leave their house when the youths stoned the building. Other Palestinians said the inhabitants
of one house were beaten by Jewish youths but the security forces did not intervene..."

Billboard in Tel-Aviv central train station. |

Three buses (about 150 demonstrators) threaten the peace of 500 illegal settlers in Hebron, who announced they prepared
a welcome ceremony for the Peace Now demonstrators, suitable for traitors. The police is unable to cope with the threat, and
stops the buses on the Jerusalem Beer-Sheva highway, at the Halhul intersection.
A few days before, an extreme-right festival that certainly disturbed the peace and personal security of the 120,000
Palestinians of Hebron, took place with full police and army support. Well, a mere 120,000 Palestinians can be put under curfew
for a couple of days, but can 500 illegal Jewish settlers be kept in control for an hour?